Join us for an invited talk with François Le Gland, Head of the Research Group ASPI at IRISA / INRIA Rennes:
- Title: «Simulation-based algorithms for the optimization of sensor deployment».
- Event Date: Wednesday, March 4; 2015, 11:30 am.
- Location: 4.1.D01 Room; Torres Quevedo Building; Leganés Campus; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Two simulation-based algorithms have been investigated, that have been successfully applied to an industrial optimization problem: the optimization of sensors location and activation.
These two algorithms have different and complementary features. One is fast, and sequential: it proceeds by running a population of targets and by dropping and activating a new sensor (or re-activating a sensor already available) where and when this action seems appropriate.
The other is slow, iterative, and non-sequential: it proceeds by updating a population of deployment plans with guaranteed and increasing criterion value at each iteration, and for each given deployment plan, there is a population of targets running to evaluate the criterion.
The two algorithms can cooperate in many different ways, to try and get the best of both approaches. A simple and efficient way is to use the deployment plans provided by the sequential algorithm as the initial population for the iterative algorithm.
Joint work with Christian Musso (ONERA Palaiseau) and Sebastien Paris (LSIS Toulon).