Paper accepted for poster presentation at NeurIPS2021

Authors Pablo Moreno-Muñoz, Antonio Artes-Rodríguez, Mauricio Álvarez Abstract We present a framework for transfer learning based on modular variational Gaussian processes (GP). We develop a module-based method that having a dictionary of well fitted GPs, each model being characterised by its hyperparameters, pseudo-inputs and their corresponding posterior densities, one could build ensemble GP models without…

OPEN – Predoctoral (PhD) openings in the Department of Signal Theory & Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain).

Area of research: computational statistics Keywords: Bayesian computation, Monte Carlo, particle filtering, high-dimensional dynamical models, machine learning, aerospace engineering, e-health. Duration: 3+1 years Gross salary: 17,000€ per year Contact: Prof. Joaquin Miguez ( We are opening two positions for PhD students within the Signal Processing & Learning Group. Candidates should have a background in mathematics,…

OPEN – Postdoc position in the Department of Signal Theory & Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain).

Area of research: computational statistics Keywords: Bayesian computation, Monte Carlo, particle filtering, high-dimensional dynamical models, machine learning, aerospace engineering, e-health. Duration: 1+1 years Gross salary: 24,000€ per year Contact: Prof. Joaquin Miguez ( We are opening a postdoctoral position within the Signal Processing & Learning Group, to conduct research in problems related to Bayesian estimation,…

Article accepted for publication in Scientific Reports

September 2020 The article “Actigraphic recording of motor activity in depressed inpatients: A novel computational approach to prediction of clinical course and hospital discharge” by Ignacio Peis, Javier-David Lopez-Morinigo, M. Mercedes Perez-Rodriguez, Maria-Luisa Barrigon, Marta Ruiz-Gomez, Antonio Artés-Rodríguez and Enrique Baca-García has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. Title: Actigraphic recording of motor activity in depressed inpatients: A…

New Patent

August 2020 The researchers Antonio Artés Rodríguez and Gonzalo Ríos Muñoz at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) together with the Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Gregorio Marañón (FIBHGM), have patented a new system “Sistema y método para la detección automática de patrones electrofisiológicos anómalos”, that allows a real time automatic detection…

Daniel Barrejón granted FPU

July 2020 Congratulations to Daniel Barrejón, winner of a Predoctoral Fellowship of the highly competitive program FPU (Formación Personal Universitario) from the Spanish Government (Ministry of Education). He will be investigating in the Electronic and Communications Engineering field during the next 4 years at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M).

Harsha Kallumadatil Velluva joins the GTS research group

October 2019 Harsha Kallumadatil Velluva joins the GTS research group to participate in the project Information Theory for Low-Latency Wireless Communications (LOLITA), ERC Starting Grant with principal investigator Tobias Koch. Harsha K.V. received her Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology , Thiruvananthapuram, India. Her research interests are in…

Article accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

April 2020 The article «Saddlepoint Approximations for Short-Packet Wireless Communications” by Alejandro Lancho, Johan Östman, Giuseppe Durisi, Tobias Koch, and Gonzalo Vazquez-Vilar has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Title: Saddlepoint Approximations for Short-Packet Wireless Communications Authors: Alejandro Lancho; Johan Östman; Giuseppe Durisi; Tobias Koch; Gonzalo Vazquez-Vilar Abstract: In recent…

Real-time Activity Representation and Rotor Detection in Atrial Fibrillation Usint Novel Rotational Activity Identification System (RAIS) presentation awarded by the Gregorio Marañón Health Research Institute

The presentation Real-time Activity Representation and Rotor Detection in Atrial Fibrillation Usint Novel Rotational Activity Identification System (RAIS) authored by Gonzalo Ríos Muñoz, Ángel Arenal, Gerar Loughlin, Jairo López, Antonio Artés Rodríguez and Francisco Fernández Avilés, was made at the 7th Workshop of Research and Innovation of the Gregorio Marañón Health Research Institute (IiSGM). The…