New paper accepted

A new paper from the group has been accepted for publication The paper «Human Activity Recognition by Combining a Small Number of Classifiers » by Alfredo Nazábal,  Pablo G. Moreno,  Antonio Artés-Rodríguez and Zoubin Ghahramani has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Abtract: We consider the problem of daily…

New paper accepted

A new paper from the group has been accepted for publication The paper «A Generative Model for Predicting Outcomes in College Basketball» by Francisco J. R. Ruiz and Fernando Perez-Cruz has been accepted for publication in Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports. Abtract: We show that a classical model for soccer can also provide competitive…

The Signal Processing Group has joined the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Gregorio Marañón

The Signal Processing Group has joined the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Gregorio Marañón The Signal Processing Group (GTS) of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has joined the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Gregorio Marañón (IISGM, Gregorio Marañón Health Research Institute) in the Area of Biomedical Engineering. The Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria…

New paper accepted

A new paper from the group has been accepted for publication The paper «Bayesian Nonparametric Crowdsourcing» by Pablo G. Moreno, Yee Whye Teh, Fernando Perez-Cruz and Antonio Artés-Rodríguez has been accepted for publication in Journal of Machine Learning Research. Abtract: Crowdsourcing has been proven to be an effective and efficient tool to annotate large datasets.…

New paper accepted

A new paper from the group has been accepted for publication The paper «Scalable Multi-Output Label Prediction: From Classifier Chains to Classifier Trellises» by Jesse Read, Luca Martino, Pablo M. Olmos, and David Luengo has been accepted for publication in Pattern Recognition, Ed. Elsevier, January 2015. Abtract: Multi-output inference tasks, such as multi-label classification, have…

Pre-doctoral positions for research

Pre-doctoral positions: The Signal Processing Group opens pre-doctoral positions for research in one or more of the following areas: − information theory, − computational statistics, − machine learning, − stochastic filtering, − uncertainty quantification and related applications in engineering, medicine, geophysics or the social sciences. Deadline: This is an open call. There is no strict…

New paper accepted

A new paper from the group has been accepted for publication The paper «A Bayesian Method for Model Selection in Environmental Noise Prediction» by Laura Martín-Fernández, Diego P. Ruiz, Antonio J. Torija and Joaquín Míguez, has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Environmental Informatics.

New paper accepted

A new paper from the group has been accepted for publication The paper «Blind Analysis of Atrial Fibrillation Electrograms: Sparsity-Aware Formulation» by D. Luengo, S. Monzon, T. Triganoz, J. Via and A. Artés-Rodríguez has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. Abtract: The problems of blind sparse analysis of electrogram (EGM)…

New paper accepted

A new paper from the group has been accepted for publication The paper «A Regularized Matrix Factorization Approach to Induce Structured Sparse-Low Rank Solutions in the EEG Inverse Problem» by Jair Montoya Martínez, Antonio Artés-Rodríguez, Massimiliano Pontil and Lars Kai Hansen has been accepted for publication by the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing.…