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Achutegui, Katrin; Miguez, Joaquin

A Parallel Resampling Scheme and its Application to Distributed Particle Filtering in Wireless Networks Proceedings Article

En: 2011 4th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), pp. 81–84, IEEE, San Juan, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4577-2105-2.

Resumen | Enlaces | BibTeX | Etiquetas: Approximation algorithms, Approximation methods, Artificial neural networks, distributed resampling, DRNA technique, Markov processes, nonproportional allocation algorithm, parallel resampling scheme, PF, quantization, Signal processing, Vectors, Wireless sensor network, Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN


Goez, Roger; Lazaro, Marcelino

Training of Neural Classifiers by Separating Distributions at the Hidden Layer Proceedings Article

En: 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, pp. 1–6, IEEE, Grenoble, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4947-7.

Resumen | Enlaces | BibTeX | Etiquetas: Artificial neural networks, Bayesian methods, Cost function, Curve fitting, Databases, Function approximation, Neural networks, Speech recognition, Support vector machine classification, Support vector machines